Chiropractic Care: the Theory behind the Science

What did Thomas Edison say about chiropractic care?

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame." - Thomas Edison

Some people think they're doctors; some think they're "quacks." Many who've suffered relief from chronic back or joint pain ardently support this form of holistic alternative health as the best therapy available.

The philosophy behind it lies in aligning the spine correctly. Then, the innate healing power of the body is free to work. At the office, the chiropractor will adjust the spine, freeing it from subluxations.
(I think of these as "spinal traffic jams.")

Reactions to an adjustment vary.

Most patients feel immediate relief. (At 9 years of age, my youngest son usually grimaces and squirms when his spine is adjusted. He does feel better afterward, though, and agrees to come with me again.)

One lady I spoke with admitted to immediate relief of pain and the migraine she'd suffered, but was bothered by the sound of air being released from the vertebrae themselves.

Occasionally, one feels a bit worse, lop-sided immediately the adjustment. (Because one's body had adapted to an awkward and unhealthy posture.) I've found the best activity immediately following the adjustment is a short, relaxed walk-about--not a drive in the car! This relaxes my muscles into their proper alignment.

What to Expect in the Office

A typical visit begins with signing in at the front desk. If you are new, there will be new patient forms to complete, and a face-to-face interview. You may expect to answer the following questions:

  • general health history
  • insurance and medical information
  • contact information
  • concern today which brings you here

See the capabilities page for useful questions you may want to ask at this point.

My chiropractor, Dr. Darren Hart, will take a picture of your spine on the intake visit. In a private room, you'll be asked to disrobe to the waist and put on a cloth gown, open in the back. When ready, one of Dr. Hart's assistants escorts the new patient to the room for taking the picture.

This electro-myography picture shows in green and red bars any uneven tension along the length of the spine. After the doctor looks at this objective measure, you would lay face down (clothed) on the chiropractic table, and each vertebrae would be gently persuaded back into alignment.

How often can you expect to return?

Frequent re-adjustments are often recommended to begin--say, two or three visits per week. As the muscles relax into proper alignment, visits become less often, until only maintenance visits are needed once a month or so.

The chiropractor asks how you feel after the adjustment and makes notes on a clipboard. This becomes your ongoing medical record. Before you leave, the receptionist arranges a date and time for your next appointment.

It Works for What!?

Realigning the spinal column to release natural immunity and open nerve pathways provides holistic health benefits in--

chronic back pain
muscle strength and flexibility
post-birth trauma & colic
colds and flu
carpal tunnel
recovery from accidents
high blood pressure
bowel dysfunction
depression and anxiety
sleep problems

For more details about Chiropractic Help, click here. This link will take you to Dr. Barrie Lewis's site.

Chiropractic Assistant Liv Hansen
answers my Questions

I asked Liv the following five questions in a video interview.

How did you get into this field?
For what reasons do people seek chiropractic care?
For what health conditions have you found it most effective?
A for-instance example or story.
What words would you offer to someone considering--but not convinced of using--this particular therapy?

To see Liv's interview, follow this link:

Liv answers the 5 key questions!

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